Safir Beauty specialises in mens waxing and full body hair removal.
Our mens waxing is an effective, semi permanent method to remove unwanted hair – maintaining a smoother, longer lasting result.
Your wax treatment can last anywhere from 3-6 weeks and also removes dead skin cells leaving the skin smoother. Two different types of wax are used, as strip wax and hot wax, both designed for their effectiveness on sensitive skin.
At Safir Beauty we specialise in mens waxing.
All mens waxing is performed in compliance with the NSW Health Skin Penetration Act.
Non double dipping & disposable spatulas. Hot or strip wax of your choice.
Of course, we only use the finest Australian made wax products for the best and most comfortable waxing experience.
Please inform us if you are using Retin-A, Roaccutane or anything else that may affect your skin’s balance.